Environment Media release

Media advisory: Seeing is Believing — Development Options Halifax 3-D Models and Images

(Ki’jupuk/Halifax) Development Options Halifax, a volunteer citizens’ group continues to prepare 3-D graphics and models for proposed developments unlike anything the city or public has seen. These accurately illustrate some of the largest developments in the history of the Peninsula in their neighbourhood context.  You may view or download graphics prepared for and used in the DOH presentation to HRM Community and West Council on Sept 7 here:


Models include (now approved) Case 20761 (Rouvalis) two ~30-storey towers + penthouses near the corner of Spring Garden and Robie (the Carlton Block.) and Case 22927 (Westwood) a 23-storey building at Robie near Quinpool where HRM staff recommended 6-storeys. 

An additional proposal, Case 2021 (Dexel), for two more towers of similar height on that same block, was NOT be on the agenda on Sept 7. DOH has illustrated how taken together with the Rouvalis the four towers have greater height, scale and mass than the Nova Centre. These will destroy ~110 affordable housing/commercial units and add 31,000t CO2e of greenhouse gas emissions from construction alone-a conservative estimate.

Unfortunately councillors took almost no interest in the actual renderings or modelling or to understand what could be learned by viewing available empty space and a proposed 9-storey option that would require the demolition of a single building instead of 12-14. This scale would be 40% less carbon intensive per square measure than the proposed towers because of less carbon intensive materials used per square measure.

3-D Models should be available to community, HRM staff and council before such failed decisions are made. Sadly HRM Council has changed regulations to accommodate these developments through Development Agreements and the Centre Plan with nothing in return. It now claims nothing can stop them. 

Please view and share these important models, with those interested and keep the discussion alive! HRM needs to provide such models prior to consideration of any development. It is imperative that the Centre Plan should be modelled – citizens have a right to know.



https://www.developmentoptionshfx.com/; developmentoptionshfx@gmail.com;

(see attached renderings below)

Note: Some of the files are large and require time to load. 

Case 20761 – Rouvalis 28, 29-storey towers is considered separately from Dexel’s Cast 20218 for 2 ~30-storey towers.
Case 22927: proposes adding 23-storeys (orange) in a lot that HRM staff recommended be restricted to 6-storeys.
