Environment Media release

Press release: Don’t Spray Us camps pop up on glyphosate spray sites

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Today, concerned citizens are camped out on several forested sites approved for aerial spraying with glyphosate-based herbicides, including sites near Otter Brook and Halfway Brook in Colchester County. 

In August,  Nova Scotia Environment approved applications to spray 1,172 ha (2,895 acres) of private forested land in Colchester, Cumberland, Guysborough, Halifax and Hants Counties. Aerial spraying is scheduled to continue until September 30th

In 2020, the sprays planned for Annapolis, Hants and Kings counties were cancelled following the establishment of Don’t Spray Us camps on sites in those counties. 

The Don’t Spray Us campers are asking for a halt to spraying on all approved sites this year. They are calling on Nova Scotians to tell Tim Halman, the new Minister of Environment and Climate Change: End the aerial spraying of forests in Nova Scotia once and for all.

Nina Newington, Extinction Rebellion Annapolis County, said:

“Here we are again, putting our bodies in the way of the government-sanctioned poisoning of forests in Mi’kma’ki. Glyphosate sprayed from a helicopter on clearcuts in order to kill off the natural regrowth of the Wabanaki-Acadian forest, never mind what else and who else gets poisoned: does that sound like something we should be doing in 2021? 

COVID has shown that we Nova Scotians can put our common wellbeing ahead of profit and convenience. As we face the climate and biodiversity crises, it’s obvious we must protect the health of nature if we want a healthy future for ourselves and our children and grandchildren.

Corporations are not allowed to create toxic waste dumps on their land, just because they own it. Spraying the land with poison from the air because it is cheaper than paying workers to thin trees on the ground has to stop. This practice has no place in proper forestry. Cape Breton put a moratorium on aerial spraying of herbicides and pesticides years ago. In 2001, Quebec banned the use of glyphosate in forestry. In New Brunswick this month, Indigenous leaders, consulted about the practice, called for an end to it. Have the Mi’kmaq been consulted in Nova Scotia?” 
