Meet Melissa King, who with her husband bought a modest house in Harrietsfield to raise her family. The previous owner claimed the water was fine, and promptly left the country. Now King tells us how contaminated water forced the family to abandon their hopes and dreams and declare bankruptcy just so her family could start all over somewhere else. The video is part of the CBC documentary Defenders of the Dawn: Green Rights in the Maritimes, by Silver Donald Cameron.

People in Guysborough County continue to push for a more open and democratic council. On April 18th the Guysborough Communities Coalition met with the Warden to once again ask for changes in the way council conducts its business. Warden Pitts indicated he will get back to the group. We will keep you posted.

As we write this the BP commissioned rig West Aquarius is on its way to the Scotian Shelf to start exploratory drilling for oil, something John Davis, director of the Clean Ocean Action Committee, very much wished wouldn’t happen. We interviewed Davis about how federal and provincial regulators are way too close to the oil and gas industry, how environmental and fisheries groups are ignored, and why we should care about what happens on the Scotian Shelf.