Letter of concern by Guysborough resident (and frequent NS Advocate contributor) Alexander Bridge, re this year’s glyphosate spraying program, in Guysborough County and elsewhere, announced earlier this summer. “As a resident of Boylston, Nova Scotia, allow me to share my concerns and extreme disappointment with our provincial government’s weak forestry regulations.”

About eight hundred Nova Scotians marched to Province House because they hate the devastation of our forests caused by clearcutting and because bureaucrats and politicians aren’t listening to them. To mark this important event we offer up a handful of photos and a transcription of the remarks by Melissa Labrador, a Mi’kmaq woman of the Wildcat community near Kejimkujik.

This weekend’s video is about North Preston resident Vicky Simmons and her fervent wish to gain title to her family’s land. It’s part of a larger project, “Untitled, the Legacy of Land in North Preston,”by a group of journalism, television and radio students at the Nova Scotia Community College. Check out the video, and don’t forget to check out the students’ project website as well.

Burning biomass to generate electricity is not green. In fact, using coal in the short term is cleaner. And short term here means for the next sixty to seventy years. Also, a very sad 2011 video of a clearcut at Higgins Mountain, Cumberland County.

Forget about meeting clearcutting targets for 2016. A freedom of information request by the provincial NDP caucus suggests clearcutting may well be on the increase.