This mini documentary is a gem. It features North Preston’s amazing singer, song writer, musician and producer Reeny Smith as she performs and talks about obstacles Black artists face. The obstacles are real, but so is the joy and fun that pervades the entire video. The last few minutes, with Reeny’s parents and siblings joining in, are priceless.

Without a doubt one of the most inspiring stories to emerge from the pandemic is how the Preston communities mobilized to protect residents from infection. I spoke with Dr. David Haase, Sharon Davis-Murdoch and Archie Beals, three people who are closely involved, about this and other community initiatives, the role of the government, tomorrow’s town hall on the vaccine, and related matters. Casting a shadow on the entire conversation: what is the role of systemic racism in all this?

PSA: This dynamic dramatic musical production written and directed by Anne Johnson-McDonald, is about both the historical and present power of the people of Preston, beginning with the wisdom of an African elder proclaiming and foretelling the power and faith of the people to overcome adversity to reach the greatness of their preordained destiny.