Judy HAiven: The Orwellian reality is that five people did not survive their “wellness check” carried out by police. There is no coincidence here: The police shot the five because of their race and because they could do so.

Raymond Sheppard in this very personal essay describes how an injury to one is an injury to all, how acts of racism targeting an individual traumatize the entire African Nova Scotian community. “During the past fifty years of my life I have personally experienced racism and injustice. Like most African peoples, I have felt the pain, frustration, anxiety, and panic attacks caused by racism. This suffering never goes away because racism never goes away,” he writes.

Among the many great speakers at Saturday’s huge #JusticeForRegis rally in Halifax was Dr. Lynn Jones, who has fought racism since she was a teenager. It was a remarkable speech and we are glad she allowed us to share it here.