News brief: Moose country blockade urgently needs reinforcements
Activists camped out in Digby County to protect mainland moose habitat from clearcutting are urgently asking for reinforcements.
Activists camped out in Digby County to protect mainland moose habitat from clearcutting are urgently asking for reinforcements.
Designating the Ingram River Wilderness Area near St. Margaret’s Bay will protect some of the most pristine publicly owned forests and waterways from logging and industrial activities. The process has reached a stage where the province is looking for public input. It’s important that we show the politicians we care, Helga Guderley, a member of the St. Margaret’s Bay Stewardship Association tells me.
Spokesperson Nina Newington invites Minister Derek Mombourquestte of Lands and Forestry to a meeting. “If mainland moose are to recover, we need to give them more, not less, habitat so that they can sustain larger populations. Those habitats must be based on what moose need to survive. Any discussion of moose habitat must be ecosystem based. Tweaking current inadequate protections while accommodating the forestry industry will not be enough.”
Letter by Sydnee McKay: There is nothing left around the Liscomb Game Sanctuary area. There is nothing left in Guysborough County. They cleaned it out. They raped the land until there was nothing left.
News release: We are in complete agreement with the demand now being put forward by groups across the province for a moratorium on all even-aged harvests on crown and other public land.
Our specific demand is for an immediate moratorium on all proposed and current logging on Crown lands from Fourth Lake south to the Napier River in Digby County.
Lindsay Lee: Citizens should not have to sue their government or occupy clear-cutting sites. But Nova Scotians will continue to fight for what is right for our environment and our province.
I spoke with Mike Lancaster of the Healthy Forest Coalition about (not) protecting the mainland moose in Digby County, and what should be done about it.
“Right now it’s one of the few areas in Nova Scotia that remains non-fragmented, and regardless of the presence of moose, it’s important to maintain these unfragmented corridors in Nova Scotia, to provide a habitat for the species at risk, moose being the example in this case. Clearcutting exacerbates everything even more,” he tells me.
Since Wednesday members of Extinction Rebellion and others have occupied a piece of forest land in Digby County that they fear is destined to be clearcut in the near future. They are worried because of sightings of mainland moose in the same area, a threatened species, with only around 100 left in the province.