Environment featured Weekend Video

Weekend video: In whose backyard?

A version of this article was originally published in the Halifax Media Co-op on March 20, 2014.

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – Lincolnville, Sunnyville, Upper Tracadie, North Preston, East Preston, Cherry Brook, Lake Loon, Acadia First Nation, Membertou, Eskasoni, Indian Brook, Beechville.

These are all communities in Nova Scotia with two things in common. Toxic industries, landfills and waste dumps are situated close to where people live, and the population is predominantly African-Nova Scotian or Mi’kmaw.

Many people who live there fear that toxics in their environment cause higher than normal cancer rates, asthma, skin problems, and so on.

The documentary In Whose Backyard? documents the thoughts and fears of members of these communities. We meet people who talk about not being heard by governments and industries, about how they worry about their health, how angry they are, how powerless they feel.

The video is one of the outcomes of ENRICH, a community-driven project managed by Dr. Ingrid Waldron, a researcher associated with the Dalhousie School of Nursing. The video is produced by Pink Dog Productions, a Halifax based video production company specializing in videos for not-for-profit and art organizations.

Waldron’s team, together with local facilitators, conducted four workshops in various parts of the province, and also organized a larger meeting in Halifax where representatives from all communities met and shared experiences.

Waldron thinks that the combination of a toxic environment and a mostly racialized and poor population is no coincidence.

James Desmond, who lives in Lincolnville, an African Nova Scotian commmunity in Guysborough County that borders a landfill, agrees.

“The practice has been to locate industrial waste sites next to African-Nova Scotian communities, native communities, poor white communities, communities that don’t have an economic base to fight back,” says Desmond in the video.

“And you ask the question, is it environmental racism? It is environmental racism to the core.”

Other community members in the video talk about the stress associated with living in a poisoned environment.

“As a kid I would always go back there and play in the mud. I never knew until now. It’s scary to think I was playing in oil and everything,” says Cheneyce Battiste, who lives in Acadia First Nation, in Yarmouth County.

Waldron is well aware of the perception raised in much studied communities when yet another academic researcher comes knocking.

“Researched to death is the typical statement made and [community members] don’t want this to be another research project that comes in, collects data, uses community, and leaves to never return again,” Waldron says.

“That just makes me more adamant that I do my very best to ensure that my goals will be realized,” says Waldron.

Goals like supporting residents in their efforts to mobilize on health effects associated with toxic industries and waste dumps, getting governments to pay attention, and fostering ties between the communities that have so much in common.

“[Our approach] is premised on experiences, ideas articulated by community members themselves, in their own words. And it takes place in a real life context,” says Waldron.

“When you are working with marginalized and racialized communities, statistics alone just don’t cut it, because you want to know the why and how. The only way you get that is through the voices of participants.”

And race is always part of the equation.

“We ask, why does this happen to racialized communities and why communities with a high number of working poor? Is it about how we value people? Is it about who we see in this society as not being worthy?” Waldron asks.

“What you are questioning is whiteness, the privilege of whiteness, hierarchical relations in society that are based on race. Power and privilege is central to that.”

If you can, please support the Nova Scotia Advocate so that it can continue to cover issues such as poverty, racism, exclusion, workers’ rights and the environment in Nova Scotia.



One Comment

  1. Indeed this locating of toxic industry, dumps etc. is no coincidence. This is also found in many
    locations in the U.S, i.e Native American reservations. As a person with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities I am well aware of the downplaying of the danger of so many untested chemicals
    advertised,used and dumped with a history much like the tobacco industry gave us for so long.
    It is always more expedient for industry and governments to ignore the poor, people of minority races and others with no voice when it comes to health hazards versus convenience
    and profits.
    Fr. Byron, TDC.

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