Environment Media release

News release: Council of Canadians floods the PMO in wake of BP spill

WHAT: Protesters will form a river that will travel from Ottawa City Hall to flood the Office of the Prime Minister to demand a permanent end to BP’s offshore drilling in Nova Scotia and demand action to protect water, not oil. Large waves of blue fabric flooding the streets will make for a stunning visual. Upon arrival at the PMO activists will create a mock oil spill on the steps of the office.

WHEN/WHERE: 12pm-1pm, Saturday, June 23. Starting at 12pm at Ottawa City Hall, then proceeding to the Prime Minister’s Office at Elgin and Wellington.

WHO: Organized by the Council of Canadians as part of its Groundswell 2018: Awareness to Action conference. More information about the conference is available at https://canadians.org/conference.

WHY: Trudeau’s government approved BP’s drilling, saying that it was “unlikely to cause adverse environmental effects.” Within two months of the start of drilling the company spilled a huge amount of synthetic drilling mud onto the ocean floor. Additionally, fossil fuel projects like BP’s offshore drilling and the expansion of Kinder Morgan would violate Indigenous rights, are inconsistent with the Paris Climate Agreement, and threaten a major spills in waterways and oceans across Canada.

For more information or to arrange interviews:

Dylan Penner, Media Officer, Council of Canadians, dpenner@canadians.org.  Twitter: @CouncilOfCDNs

Robin Tress, Organizer, Atlantic Region, Council of Canadians, rtress@canadians.org
