Environment Media release

PSA: Support John Perkins in his legal fight against violent arrest

John is a dear friend and neighbour of ours. He is a senior citizen who cares deeply about the environment where we live in Nova Scotia.  On May 23, 2019 he was falsely accused by a multinational gold mining corporation of creating a disturbance at a public meeting, then violently arrested. 

So John has filed a lawsuit against Atlantic Gold and the RCMP.  He feels strongly that it is his duty to hold them to account for the injuries and harm they have done and to do what he can to stop this from happening again.

John’s legal team say he will need $15,000 to cover expert witnesses, medical reports, and investigative expenses to support his civil suit. 

We are asking for your help in holding  companies and the police accountable so that this situation does not happen again in our communities. Thanks for any size donation. It all helps!

See https://www.gofundme.com/legal-costs-john-perkins-fighting-violent-arrest to read more, view a video of the arrest, and to donate.
