Protesters rally at Walmart in support of Santina Rao
On what surely must have been the coldest day this winter some 150 people came out to rally at the Mumford Road Walmart in support of Santina Rao.
On what surely must have been the coldest day this winter some 150 people came out to rally at the Mumford Road Walmart in support of Santina Rao.
Jodi Brown, who has been working with the Tawaak Housing tenants, reports on the early efforts to organize a tenants association and fight back against deplorsable housing conditions. There is also a video.
This Saturday, March on Halifax will bring you the Victims of War Rally to highlight how war has deeply affected women and our communities as a whole.
Locking up people who are intoxicated is most often a bad idea. It criminalizes people who live with addictions and need help.. We spoke with Harry Critchley of the East Coast Prison Justice Society to understand the alternatives out there and the case he and Dr. Leah Genge will be making at Monday’s Halifax Board of Police Commissioners.
Press release: WWW request an immediate meeting with Halifax Regional Police Chief Dan Kinsella. Racism and violence against women will not be tolerated. For several years now, Women’s Wellness Within has sought to advise Halifax Regional Police to appropriately treat women and nonbinary people with young children. Change is needed now.
Yesterday a young Black woman posted on Facebook about a violent arrest by Halifax police officers after she was falsely accused of shoplifting at the Mumford Road Walmart. There is a rally in her support on Friday January 16, at 5 PM.
The tiny but mighty Nova Scotia Advocate turns four today.
The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour (NSFL) is donating $5,000 in support of the Alton Gas water protectors. The donated money will be used to deal with legal costs associated with a court case asserting treaty rights.
Since 1989 child poverty in Nova Scotia decreased by less than one percent. One in four kids lives in poverty, for kids younger than 2 years, that is one in three! Let that sink in. And numbers for African Nova Scotian and Mi’kmaw kids are much higher again.
The Educators for Social Justice – Nova Scotia (ESJ-NS) and the Nova Scotia Parents for Public Education (NSPPE) have just released their Manifesto for Progressive Public Education which identifies four major threats to progressive public education in this province: the weakening of community engagement, the impact of austerity, the weakening of the Nova Scotia Teachers Union and the influence of right-wing think tanks.