featured Labour

Letter: Shoulder it, dear city, shoulder it

All across Canada life has been upended in a way we could hardly imagine before. We look to government for support, guidance, and continuity.

In a demonstration of next-level tone deafness, Matt Whitman, a Halifax city councillor is calling for lay-offs. 

That’s right, what’s a good government to do when times are tough, society is in complete disarray, and people’s lives are thrown into chaos? According to Whitman: disrupt more lives, add more pain, and make life harder of course. Push the people who keep the city running onto federal relief programs. 

I’ve seen businesses lay off staff. They’ve done so because they’re losing revenue. They can no longer afford to pay their workers. 

In our great city, the people who work day in and day out to keep things moving shouldn’t face this uncertainty. Taxpayers save no money here. There’s no loss of revenue to contend with and if there was … shoulder it, dear city shoulder it. 

We need you to lead, to serve, to be there for us. We don’t need you to grandstand on false premise and use this critical moment to serve personal political purposes. 

For these reasons, I say no, Matt Whitman. I say no to your self-serving politics. I say no to cheap shots. I say no to division. And I say no to your bullshit once and for all.

Scott Gillard, Halifax

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