Media release Racism

PSA: Day of action against policing, Friday June 26

Justice for Ejaz Choudry, 2 pm

Ejaz Choudry was a father of four who needed mental health supports but instead was gunned down in his own home by police. 

Peel Regional Police murdered Ejaz this past Father’s Day weekend while his family begged them to not intervene. 

Ejaz was alone and didn’t understand the words police yelled at him before they opened fire.

We need Justice for Ejaz.  We need justice for all victims of Police “wellness checks”.  We need a world in which this can never happen again. 

Join us in Halifax at Grand Parade at 2PM this Friday for a Moment of Silence, a Moment of Prayer. a Moment of Anger, and a March for Justice. 

Defund Police: Sit-in & Community Assembly, 4 pm

You took a knee, you lit a candle, and you took a stand. 

Now let’s take a seat together and get down to work.

+ Join us for a sit-in demanding the Defunding of Police.

+ Join us for a community assembly on “How To Abolish the Police”

Defund the Police Sit-in:  All are welcome to participate. The bigger the sit-in the more space we can occupy to make our statement.  Bring signs, and anything you’ll need to be comfortable. 

Abolish the Police Community Assembly:  This will be tightly facilitated to stay on topic to respect everyone’s time.  The only discussion that is appropriate for this circle will be ways that WE as a community can organize to abolish police.  The assembly is not the place to debate IF we should abolish police, WHY we should abolish police, or other matters.  Those wanting to have more loose or informal conversations are welcome to do so in other peripheral circles as part of the sit-in.   🙂

Artistic Resistance: Abolish the Police Blocko Pt 2, 7 pm




Mourning the Dead. 

Fighting for the Living. 

Celebrating the Ongoing Revolution.


Wear a Mask – Stay a safe social distance as much as possible.
