From November 25-26, Haligonians will participate in an email and phone campaign calling on the Canadian government to break its silence and take concrete action in support of the Central American refugees and migrants who’ve trekked for over one month to reach to the US-Mexico border. This campaign is part of the International Day of Action in Solidarity with the Caravan and Exodus from Central America taking place on November 25th.

News release: News of BP Canada’s dry well offshore Nova Scotia is an opportunity for change, according to the Offshore Alliance, a coalition representing fishermen, environmental groups, and coastal communities. But that’s not the end of offshore drilling in Nova Scotia – BP has permission to drill six more wells, and Equinor (formerly StatOil) is planning seismic blasting in waters adjacent to George’s Bank.

“My Week on Welfare” is a documentary about the state of the welfare system in Nova Scotia. Next week it’s coming to Lower Sackville. It’s a great documentary, and the discussion after the showing is always very powerful. You’re not alone, and you don’t have to take it!

Recent King’s journalism graduates Tundé Balogun and  Sandra Hannebohm want to cover news that traditional media in Nova Scotia overlook. To do so, they have founded the Objective, an independent news agency that will cover Black news in Nova Scotia and beyond. Check out the trailer for their first project, a work in progress about the school-to-prison pipeline for Black kids here in Nova Scotia. Please support Tundé and Sandra and help them finish the documentary. It’s important.

Our featured poet this month is Annick MacAskill, an amazing poet. Her poem November 11 is one of nine poems selected as a result of a call for poems we issued in May. I love how this poem ends, so fiery and colourful. I am also featuring a monoprint by Nova Scotia printmaker / artist Bonnie Baker. I thought Bonnie’s piece goes well with the poem.

Media release: Equity Watch has learned from several sources that after the media conference HRM sent a note to employees in some business units forbidding them to use social media and social networks to criticize their employer or do anything that would affect HRM’s reputation.