I interviewed Joan Baxter, author of The Mill, and all round excellent reporter. We talked to Joan about bringing her African experience to Nova Scotia, what’s good and not so good about journalism here, the dangers of too much skepticism, the walls governments build around information, why give up your weekend to sit behind a computer, and much more. “That’s the very long story about how I got to be old and cranky,” Baxter said.

On May 23, 2019 John Perkins was falsely accused by a multinational gold mining corporation of creating a disturbance at a public meeting, then violently arrested. Now John has filed a lawsuit against Atlantic Gold and the RCMP. Here is how you can help.

A new documentary, The shadow of Gold, about gold mining in Canada and world-wide, will be shown this Tuesday at the Central Library in Halifax. With gold mining on the increase in Nova Scotia ,we feature the documentary’s trailer and highly recommend that you check it out.

News release: The discovery of one uncapped contaminating drill hole on Warwick Mountain and the possibility of more leaking drill holes has raised the spectre of 780 other unmonitored mining exploration drill holes across the province. SuNNS is asking the Department of Energy and Mines to immediately instruct staff to visit all drill hole sites and return in 6 months with a report on their condition.

News release: “Sustainable Northern Nova Scotia (SuNNS) members, the 900 signatories to our petition opposing gold mining exploration or development in the French River Watershed and the population of Tatamagouche are shocked by the news that the Ministry of Energy and Mines has withheld information about a leaking exploration drill hole contaminating the French River Watershed area with arsenic and iron,” says SuNNS spokesperson John Perkins.

“Nova Scotians must project into the future and realize the consequences resulting from the industrial actions of the multinational corporations who appear to be salivating over what Nova Scotia’s governments might be willing to offer,” writes Guysborough resident Ray Bates.

Everything you should know about gold mining in Nova Scotia, the harm it does to the environment and the politicians who make it all possible, in this very good documentary by Cliff Seruntine.