December holidays and your pay cheque
This is the most puzzling time of the year – to figure out which days are paid holidays and which are not. Judy Haiven helps you understand your rights, so you can help your boss understand.
This is the most puzzling time of the year – to figure out which days are paid holidays and which are not. Judy Haiven helps you understand your rights, so you can help your boss understand.
Judy Haiven visited a Halifax coffee shop at around 11 AM this Remembrance Day morning. It was good.
He stood up straighter. In a patronizing tone he told me, “I think I know the law. I just have to pay them double time for today…” On her Remembrance Day trip to the Annapolis Valley Judy Haiven explains the law to workers and bosses. Many employees are entitled to a day off with pay, but employers don’t know that, she finds. This is an updated version of a story originally published on November 13, 2017.
Doesn’t seem fair. Thanksgiving is not a paid holiday, even though you can’t work as the store must be closed. Judy Haiven explains…
Judy Haiven on Natal Day, unfortunately by no means a holiday for most of Nova Scotia’s workers. Our province is stingy when it comes to designating statutory holidays.
Judy Haiven explains the complexities around getting paid for working on Canada Day.
Lately we have heard a lot about dine and dash, people who don’t pay their restaurant bill. Some restaurant owners make the server pay. This is both illegal and immoral, writes Judy Haiven. “Where are the managers and owners: aren’t managers supposed to manage? Aren’t they supposed to watch out for diners who dash?”
Judy Haiven on your sadly non-existing rights when you have to work on Victoria Day.
Heritage Day in NS is also a “retail closing day” which means that almost all stores excluding drug stores, restaurants, cafes, bars, and gas stations must remain closed. If there is a union where you work, you will be paid for this holiday. However if there is no union, it’s a little more tricky. Don’t just assume your boss knows. In this article Judy Haiven explains exactly what you are entitled to.
Judy Haiven on everything you need to know about tips in Nova Scotia restaurants and bars. Some pretty awful stuff going on. Learn about dine’n’dash funds, breakage fees, percentages for the boss, and did you know that many restaurants and bars in Halifax in fact charge servers just to work there?