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Open letter to health minister Randy Delorey: The situation in Cape Breton is past the breaking point


Good morning, Randy,

I am still writing to you because I have to believe that my letters to you are not falling on deaf ears. I have to believe that someone, somewhere, cares about my community and the people that live here. So, although you still do not respond, I will still write, and have confidence that someday you will.

Photo CBC

Cape Breton was a mess this weekend. I called and left messages for you leading up to it in hopes that something would be done, but alas, I heard nothing back from you. Here is the list of closures.

Northside General – closes this afternoon and reopening Monday morning.

New Waterford – closes this afternoon and reopens Tuesday morning

Glace Bay – closes Saturday at 6am and reopens Tuesday morning

Baddeck – closes Saturday at 7am and expecting to reopen Saturday at 7pm

Are you aware that, also last week, the regional hospital emergency room reached what is called Code Census. This happens when an emergency room so full that it can not take any more patients. There is nowhere to unload people from ambulances. There is nowhere for people who are having an emergency to go.

Where do these people go, Randy, when all other emergency rooms are closed? Do we just die? What do we do, Randy? This situation is past the breaking point. We are at a place where people are dying. We have reached a point where people live in fear. There is nowhere to go, no one to turn to, and those elected to office to take care of us, those with a majority of power, are choosing to allow people to die rather then fix the problems. Who is responsible for these deaths? Who has the blood on their hands?

As always, I eagerly await your response

Lisa Bond

See also: An island in turmoil. Living the Cape Breton mental health crisis

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  1. There should be lots of health issues in CB the Nova Scotia government is busy send Petcoke there which is not near as safe as coal , Petcoke in nothing more than Alberta hazardous waste product that burns like coal but is twice as dirty. Now to even make things worse there allowing big industry to burn plastic waste and hundreds of thousands of used tire , the Nova Scotia government seems to have no concern for public health.


  2. we just have to hang on a little longer there is nothing we can do right now nothing helps because mac neil and the liberals do not care about cape breton we have been pushed around and lied to for years the next election liberals will be gone but who will we elect is there a party that realy cares i think not we can only hope that some one will come along who cares what is happening here and corrects it before it is too late i realy think we should look into seperating from nova scotia but it would be a big fight because the nova sotia gov would not want to lose the money the are stealing from us

  3. I think someone’s lining their pockets pretty damn good, that’s what I think. I’m from CB and have lived away for many years but return yearly. I’m stage 4 breast cancer and worry something will go wrong every time I go home and I’ll have to deal with that system. I can’t believe from all I’ve read that the people haven’t taken over the city and demanded change. Not just for a day, but until. My Aunt is currently one of the people suffering from this complete brake down ( in my opinion” of your health care system. I am so angry at what my fellow Cape Bretoners are going through. Please… someone stand up and lead this fight.

  4. We need a Tommy Douglas. The liberals did everything to break him but he wouldn’t let go. He got universal health care.

  5. MacNeil keeps our transfer payments and giveit to the HRM. He closes Cape Breton hospitals and no replacement. MacNeil has to go or Cape Breton form their own provience and operate on our own.

  6. well Mulgrave is just as bad .there was a nurse practioner here before I moved back home from Ontario after many years.i have to go to strait Richmond just to get my meds.i need other things looked after but be most likely be dead before I get a doctor.really sad

  7. If they don’t get on top of the doctor shortage and other issues in mainland Nova Scotia, this is going to happen in the whole province. If I lived in CB, I’d probably be dead by now because my health is hanging on by a thread, that thread being that I live in Halifax, which is not yet in a complete state of crisis. I haven’t had a family doctor in almost three years. My only lifeline, literally, is a yearly appointment with a neurologist who gives me a prescription for a medicine that can’t be given by a doctor at a walk-in clinic. The referral to that specialist was made just before I lost my family doctor. I would be in dire straits had I not asked for that referral when I did.

    McNeil is outraged that a doctor stated medical care in CB was approaching third world conditions. After all, a doctor wouldn’t have a clue what’s going on with healthcare! Shows how immature he is and what an enormous ego he has. This isn’t about you. Get over yourself and do the job you’re paid to do and fix this mess YOU made. How much is your yearly salary, by the way? People, please stop voting for this idiot!

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