Healthcare Media release

News release: ACE team calls on McNeil government to address nursing home crisis now!

Members of the ACE (Advocates for the Care of the Elderly) Team will be present outside two events next week where the Premier is speaking.

According to ACE Team Chair, Gary MacLeod, “We want the McNeil government to finally take seriously the long-standing crisis in long-term care. On May 17, the Premier said he was unwilling to take immediate steps to address staffing shortages in nursing homes. But we learned on June 13 that the Department of Health and Wellness was finally willing to require every licenced nursing home to report the incidence of bedsores.”

“However, the systemic problems remain.  No moves have yet been made to require adequate numbers of qualified staff in every nursing home, or to make public all inspection reports, all investigations and all directives for nursing homes.

The two events are as follows:

Tuesday, June 19, 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.

when the Premier is in conversation with the Institute of Corporate Directors

Nova Scotia Power Head Office, 1223 Lower Water Street, Halifax

Wednesday, June 20, 3:00 to 7:00 p.m.

For the Inaugural Stephen McNeil Summer Levee

Halifax Citadel, 5425 Sackville Street, Halifax

McLeod concluded: “In the face of continuing government inaction, the ACE Team is determined to keep the pressure on the government until systemic problems in long-term care will be addressed.” The ACE Team was set up in 2006 as a group of concerned family members who want to improve long-term care for the elderly.

