Inclusion Media release

News release: The Industrial Workers of the World – K’jipuktuk stands in solidarity with striking prisoners

27 August 2018

K’jipuktuk, Unceded and Unsurrendered Mi’kmaq Territory

Whereas Prisoners at Burnside Jail have begun a peaceful protest in pursuit of 10 reasonable demands, and have expressed support for and solidarity with the “National Prison Strike” in the United States,

Whereas the protest organizers “call upon all people with a conscience beyond the bars” to support their statement and demands,

Whereas the Incarcerated Worker’s Organizing Committee of the IWW “strongly encourage[s] all outside branches and members-at-large to take on the support work to the utmost of their capacity and according to their best judgement,”

Whereas we find the demands, goals, actions, and assessments expressed by the prisoners in their statement to be completely in line with our work and mission,

We, the General Membership Branch of the IWW – K’jipuktuk unanimously resolves to express our solidarity with the prisoners and support for their strike and demands.

We call upon the Nova Scotia Department of Justice to immediately implement all of the prisoners’ demands, and to prioritize prisoner rights and voices in all future planning and development.

We encourage all individuals and organizations who profess to stand with workers and the marginalized against exploitation and oppression to publicly voice their unequivocal support for the statement and demands of the prisoners, and to provide any and all material assistance possible.

Materially, we offer all of the resources and connections at our disposal to support the prisoners in their cause, including our voices, time, energy, and platforms;

In words and thought we offer our strongest solidarity, our deepest admiration, and our assertion that you do not stand alone.

In solidarity,

Toward a world without bosses and without prisons,

IWW K’jipuktuk GMB
