featured Weekend Video

Weekend video: Idle No More, Halifax, December 14, 2012

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – This weekend we present a short documentary produced by distinguished filmmaker, drummer, teacher and author Catherine Martin about the first Idle No More event in Nova Scotia, on December 14, 2012 at the Grand Parade across from City Hall in Halifax.

Martin interviews Molly Peters, of Paq’tnkek FIrst Nation and Shelley A. Young of Eskasoni First Nation, who along with Michelle Paul, Kateri Stephens and Marina Young organized the well attended event in a mere five days and sleepless nights.

The immediate impetus for this and many other Idle No More events was then Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Bill C-45, a bill the size of a phone book that among many other things relaxed environmental controls on waterways. But Idle No More was also about treaties, the hunger strike of Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence, and much more.

Later that same month there were weekend traffic slowdowns in Millbrook and at Auld’s Cove, another large rally in Halifax, and that was only the beginning.


See also: Weekend video: Building links among women. Grappling with Muskrat Falls in Labrador and Nova Scotia

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