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Open letter: Senators press federal and provincial governments for a response on a joint inquiry into the Nova Scotia shootings on the third month anniversary of the atrocity

July 18, 2020 

Minister Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Government of Canada 

Minister David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada 

Minister Maryam Monsef, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development, Government of Canada 

Minister Mark Furey, Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Government of Nova Scotia 

Minister Kelly Regan, Minister responsible for the Advisory Council on the Status of Women Act, Government of Nova Scotia 

Dear Ministers Blair, Lametti, Monsef, Furey and Regan, 

On June 7th and on June 29th letters were sent by a number of Nova Scotian Senators to Ministers Blair and Furey regarding the pressing need to establish a joint federal/provincial, equally led, public inquiry into the recent Nova Scotia mass shootings and related events. Only a comprehensive, open and fully transparent process will be able to address the complexities of this massacre and answer the legitimate questions and concerns of Nova Scotians and Canadians. As of now, three months after the event, action on this has not been taken and there is no clear public explanation as to why. 

We are expanding our call to action to include Ministers Lametti, Monsef and Regan to further highlight the importance of ensuring that a feminist lens is employed as part of this investigation so as to ensure that a fulsome picture of the events that led to this atrocity are understood and ultimately addressed. 

We continue to urgently call for a fully open, transparent and comprehensive inquiry. Nova Scotians and Canadians need to know what happened or did not happen and what might be done to identify and act on the warning signs that might help to prevent such tragedies in the future. 

The lack of an announcement of this inquiry is fueling speculation as to why it is not happening and that resulting innuendo and gossip puts the public’s trust in jeopardy — not only in those who strive their best to protect and serve, but also in those who are responsible for our public safety. 

In closing, we, Senators from Nova Scotia are now joined by Senators from across Canada, to continue the call for urgent action on a joint public inquiry into the April mass shootings and related events. 

Yours sincerely, 

The honorable Margaret Dawn Anderson, senator 

The honorable Wanda Thomas Bernard, senator 

The honorable Robert Black, senator 

The honorable Yvonne Boyer, senator 

The honorable René Cormier, senator 

The honorable Brent Cotter, senator 

The honorable Mary Coyle, senator 

The honorable Jean-Guy Dagenais, senator 

The honorable Donna Dasko, senator 

The honorable Colin Deacon, senator 

The honorable Marty Deacon, senator 

The honorable Tony Dean, senator 

The honorable Pat Duncan, senator 

The honorable Josée Forest-Niesing, senator 

The honorable Brian Francis, senator 

The honorable Rosa Galvez, senator 

The honorable Stephen Greene, senator 

The honorable Nancy Hartling, senator 

The honorable Mobina Jaffer, senator 

The honorable Judith Keating, senator 

The honorable Stan Kutcher, senator 

The honorable Francis Lankin, senator 

The honorable Tony Loffreda, senator 

The honorable Sandra Lovelace-Nicholas, senator The honorable Marie-Françoise Mégie, senator 

The honorable Mary Jane McCallum, senator 

The honorable Marilou McPhedran, senator The honorable Ratna Omidvar, senator 

The honorable Kim Pate, senator 

The honorable Dennis Patterson, senator 

The honorable Mohamed-Iqbal Ravalia, senator 

The honorable David Richards, senator 

The honorable Pierrette Ringuette, senator The honorable Paula Simons, senator 

The honorable Murray Sinclair, senator 

The honorable Pamela Wallin, senator 

The honorable Howard Wetston, senator 

– 30 – 

Letter to the ministers attached. 
