By March 2020, Halifax had lost a full forty percent of its historic buildings in 11 years. Out of 104 buildings inventoried as heritage assets in 2009, 43 had been demolished.
More have tumbled since then. And barring drastic action to save them, the remainder will fall to the wrecker soon.
At its March 10 meeting, HRM Council decided NOT to register sixteen of these buildings, including the beloved set of colourful shops on Queen St. north of Spring Garden. They have been put up for sale and will likely be demolished in favour of an addition to the concrete jungle pictured above.
Unless we act. Join us!
Read more at https://www.thecoast.ca/halifax/landlords-getting-the-final-word-on-heritage-designation-wont-work/Content?oid=24591933 and https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/news/local/john-demont-how-much-longer-will-halifaxs-fabled-vintage-row-be-around-495193/