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Press release: Murder is not a game

December 11, 2020


Wellness Within, an Organization for Health and Justice, calls for cancellation of Jack the Ripper “game” in Halifax.

It has come to our attention that two “games” on the theme of Jack the Ripper are being promoted in Halifax, Nova Scotia. One is an escape room experience while the other is an outdoor app event scheduled for June 2021. Although it has become difficult to separate legend from fact, the story of Jack the Ripper began with the real murder and mutilation of female sex workers in London, UK in 1888.

Violence against women is not a game. Our province is still grieving a horrific mass murder that began as a man’s intimate partner violence against his female partner. In the days and weeks following that crisis, we heard lots of talk about making a cultural shift and tackling the root causes of violence against women. Hosting a game that makes fun of femicide is not the way for our city to contribute to this cultural shift. We call on Mayor Savage to respect all Nova Scotian women, trans and non-binary people who are survivors of violence, and to respect the memory of victims of femicide, by taking a stand against this event.

Wellness Within is a registered non-profit organization working for reproductive justice, prison abolition, and health equity in Kjipuktuk, Mi’kma’ki (Halifax, Nova Scotia).
