News release: Marcelo Sabuc, National Coordinator of the Highlands Committee of Small-Farmers (CCDA in Spanish) in Guatemala, will visit the Maritimes from November 4-11th to discuss the troubling situation for human rights defenders in his country, which has intensified in the midst of an escalating political crisis. The speaking tour is being organized by the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network (BTS).

Delighted to present Vision, a poem by Heidi Mitton, one of the poems we selected as the result of our call for poems earlier this year. In her short bio she quotes Alice Walker, “Poetry is the lifeblood of rebellion, revolution and the raising of consciousness.” We agree, and believe that’s precisely why among our op-eds and stories about poverty, racism, and inclusion the poems we publish are entirely an excellent fit.

Public Service Announcement: Caroling with Nova Scotia Mass Choir, with Special Guest Jody Upshaw. Jody Upshaw is a 15-year-old singing sensation from Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Pushing the envelope with each performance, cover or track, Jody has performed throughout the Halifax area and has worked with multiple local artists including Quake, Shevy Price, Neon Dreams and Classified.

Media release: November 1, 2018 (Halifax) – On Saturday, November 3rd at 3pm community members in Halifax will gather at the Glitter Bean Cafe (5896 Spring Garden Road) to demonstrate their solidarity with the caravans of refugees and migrants currently en route to the US-Mexico border

This is big! Together with the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers we are commissioning one in-depth story on a poverty-related topic. We want to hear from both professional writers and from people who write from lived experience. Thanks to the generous support of the NSCSW we are able to pay between $500 and $750, depending on the complexity of the topic and how experienced a writer you are. Send us your pitch!

News release: Hate Crimes against Persons of African Descent are escalating in Canada and indeed Nova Scotia while authorities are failing to take a strong public stand against these intolerant actions…Hate Crimes against young African Canadian youth are especially heinous.  Case in point, the September 19, 2018, alleged racial bullying, racist taunts and slights that culminated in Nhlanhla Dlamini being shot with a high velocity nail gun by a co-worker employed with PQ Properties Limited of New Glasgow, Nova Scotia.

Delighted to present this wonderful poem by South Shore poet Peggie Graham, written for a One Billion Rising event in Lunenburg on International Women’s Day, and now one of the poems selected for our one-poem-a-month poetry competition.