Jarod Campbell and Sid Kondapuram: “What would a public inquiry conclude about Minister Furey’s former employer, the RCMP? Why did he ignore the reality of racist street checks until Dr. Wortley released his report? Why hasn’t he issued an apology to Glen Assoun for his wrongful conviction? Why is he so determined to protect the police? “

On Monday, July 27th at noon, we are calling for a Canada-wide 22 minute-strike. We are asking people to join the strike in person or online. During the strike, people are asked to stop what they are doing and demand that our leaders call for a fully public, comprehensive inquiry of one of the largest mass murder in Canadian history.

On June 7th and on June 29th letters were sent by a number of Nova Scotian Senators to Ministers Blair and Furey regarding the pressing need to establish a joint federal/ provincial, equally led, public inquiry into the recent Nova Scotia mass shootings and related events.

The Senators are expanding their call to action to include Ministers Lametti, Monsef and Regan to further highlight the importance of ensuring that a feminist lens is employed as part of this investigation so as to ensure that a fulsome picture of the events that led to this atrocity are understood and ultimately addressed.

Petition: The mass murders in Nova Scotia were not “senseless.” They were predictable. We need an independent public inquiry with a feminist analysis of the persistent pattern of Nova Scotian women beaten, burned, sexually assaulted, stalked, strangled, shot, stabbed, tortured, trafficked, murdered (femicide), disappeared, and dismembered.