featured Inclusion Media release

Update on Abdoul Abdi

(Via El Jones) – The Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) has decided to hold an admissibility hearing for Abdoul on Monday morning January 8. This hearing will strip him of his permanent residency and make him eligible for deportation from Canada. They are pushing ahead with this hearing even though they are supposed to hold a detention review hearing first within 48 hours of his arrest and detention. The speed at which they are moving suggests they are prioritizing deportation over all other issues, and despite the severe human rights issues in this case, they are pushing forward.

Abdoul is likely being detained in conditions that are more severe than those under which he finished his sentence. Even though he served his time, he is now being re-incarcerated and actually losing access to programs and being more restricted than he was when being punished for his crime.

Despite the fact that Abdoul would be a citizen if the paperwork had been done for him, Canada is moving quickly to deport him. There should be a halt on all deportations of those who came as children and were in care. Moving forward with this case is a serious human rights issues.

What needs to happen:

1) CBSA should halt all immediate steps to strip Abdoul of his residency.
2) Release Abdoul from detention and allow him to go to a halfway house where he can be close to family and access programs.
3) The federal court needs to resolve the issues in this case. CBSA should wait for the courts to rule on important human rights and humanitarian issues impacting this case.

I just talked to his mom. She said that she saw civil war in Somalia and this is worse. She said they came to Canada for freedom and she cannot understand how Abdoul has faced 17 years of injustice.


Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Honourable Ahmed D. Hussen MP
365 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1L1

email: Minister@CIC.GC.CA
Telephone: 613-954-1064
Fax: 613-952-5533

Minister of Public Safety
Honourable Ralph Goodale
House of Commons
Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0A6

email : Hon.Ralph.Goodale@Canada.ca
Phone: 613-944-4875 or 1-800-830-3118
Fax: 613-954-5186

See also: News release. The case of Abdoul Abdi



One Comment

  1. I’m sure Mr. Abdi would be an upstanding citizen had he been allowed the privileges that any child should have and whats the hurry. Is Mr Goodall trying to move this along quickly with the hope of covering up such a travesty of justice? We took a child ruined his life and now as an adult we’ll throw him away, sounds all too familiar. The cracks are showing in the liberal refugee fairytale.

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