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The Nova Scotia Advocate is looking for poems. And we pay.


KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – The Nova Scotia Advocate, in yet another bad business decision, commits to featuring (at least) one poem each month, for the next six months.

We have published some really great poems before, by Sylvia Hamilton, Afua Cooper, El Jones, Guyleigh Johnson, David Huebert, Alice Burdick, Shalan Joudry, Robin Metcalfe, and others.  

Homme qui plonge la tête dans une bouche d’égout, Londres, 1934 © Dora Maar

Now we want to become a bit more disciplined about it, and are asking interested poets to submit their poems for consideration.  

We will pay $75 for each published poem. You’ll receive payment as soon as your poem is selected, no waiting around until it is published.

The focus of the Nova Scotia Advocate is news with a radical social justice emphasis, and most of the poems we published so far have more or less met that description. But just writing a poem, any poem, is a radical act, so we’re pretty flexible.  

Founded in January 2016, the Nova Scotia Advocate provides a voice for the many Nova Scotians who too often are ignored. We write about poverty, housing and gentrification, workers and bosses, City Hall, the environment, racism, homophobia and misogyny, refugees, people living with disabilities, prisons, the arts, and so on.

We like the stories other news media overlook, and we focus on Nova Scotia and the Atlantic provinces.

Please send your poem to There is no deadline, we will accept and consider submissions until we meet our our six poems target. All decisions are final.

A big thank you to all our loyal sponsors who allow us to continue to serve our community and engage in impractical projects such as this one. We couldn’t run the Nova Scotia Advocate without them.

If you can, please support the Nova Scotia Advocate so that it can continue to cover issues such as poverty, racism, exclusion, workers’ rights and the environment in Nova Scotia. A paywall is not an option, since it would exclude many readers who don’t have any disposable income at all. We rely entirely on one-time donations and a tiny but mighty group of dedicated monthly sustainers.



One Comment

  1. Cry cry then wheep
    Never again put to sleep
    The memory of victims we lost…don’t let dust blow in the wind….and take them away…stay stay…in my heart forever..
    Mend my broken soul
    Beg Peter and pray to
    Poul …
    Look at the rain and say…no one died in vein.
    Victims of murder
    Is our loss forever.
    .storm is coming..stormy weather
    Sent u one tought…I am sorry…I am sorry.
    By christabel

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