featured Inclusion Labour Media release

News release: Firefighter Kathy Symington has won — New decision at the NS Human Rights Commission

Barely 24 hours after her Media Conference yesterday, Kathy Symington received an email from the NS Human Rights Commission (NSHRC).  The NSHRC  has decided to refer her entire complaint as it relates to Gender, Disability and Retaliation to a Board of Inquiry. 

Equity Watch is very pleased by this decision, as former firefighter and Equity Watch member Liane Tessier notes, “This proves  that the battle I fought for 14 years was not in vain. Finally the Commission is going to look at Symington’s complaint through the lens of systemic gender discrimination– an approach I fought for and won.”

In December 2017, the Chief of Halifax Fire Service and HRM made a public apology to Tessier for systemic gender discrimination.  Now Kathy Symington, who lived through 16 years of discrimination and harassment which eerily mirrors what Tessier faced,  will have her case fully investigated. Symington’s case will then go to a public Board of Inquiry.

For more information on the Symington case and Equity Watch, contact Judy Haiven (902) 718-7445 or equitywatchns@gmail.com.

Equity Watch is a human rights advocacy organization.  We are a group of people in Nova Scotia supporting employment equity.  We fight bullying and discrimination in the workplace.  Join Us!  Join our Equity Watch page on Facebook.
