With all the talk about the impact of the Glaze Report on teachers it’s easy to forget about the elimination of school boards. “Damn right the teachers should strike — what else will wake up this neo-liberal and nasty government,” writes Judy Haiven.

Judy Haiven looks at the similarities between the Gerald Stanley and Raymond Cormier trials. “In each case, a white middle-aged man thinks nothing of ‘getting rid’ of his “problem” by committing a crime. Both victims were poor and Indigenous, from First Nations’ reserves.  If an Indigenous person is murdered, it seems the benefit of the doubt goes to the white guy.”

Heritage Day in NS is also a “retail closing day” which means that almost all stores excluding drug stores, restaurants, cafes, bars, and gas stations must remain closed. If there is a union where you work, you will be paid for this holiday. However if there is no union, it’s a little more tricky. Don’t just assume your boss knows. In this article Judy Haiven explains exactly what you are entitled to.

Judy Haiven writes “The mainstream media in Canada tell us that each murder of an Indigenous person is unique, and each tragedy stands on its own. But we cannot look at these cases in isolation. There is a pattern here, which becomes more and more weighty and oppressive with each death.  We, as white settlers, have to see the murders of Indigenous people in Canada the way Indigenous people see them —as genocidal.”

“Let’s hope it’s not too late for Dennis Patterson,” writes Judy Haiven about the man who was charged with drunk driving causing death after he struck Wray Hart. “He’s got to think about his own privilege and the fact that he, like others in his MBA cohort, are supposed to make “ethical and socially sustainable decisions” and understand “the role that ethical and socially-sustainable factors play” while studying for his MBA. Maybe now he needs to question his own privilege and consider why he ever believed it was OK to drive while under the influence.”

Judy Haiven on everything you need to know about tips in Nova Scotia restaurants and bars. Some pretty awful stuff going on. Learn about dine’n’dash funds, breakage fees, percentages for the boss, and did you know that many restaurants and bars in Halifax in fact charge servers just to work there?

Have a holly, jolly Xmas – but if you expect to be paid for the holidays, the Grinch may have something to say about it. Judy Haiven explains in detail what all you are entitled to and what your rights are.