A screening of My Week on Welfare, the no holds barred view into the lives of people caught up in Nova Scotia’s welfare system, will be held October 4 at the Dartmouth North Community Centre. We talk to Tim Blades, who helped organize the event, about why these kinds of meetings are so important and liberating for people on social assistance. Oh, and the screening is sponsored by the Nova Scotia Advocate.

Just a reminder, we’re always interested in talking to new (and old) writers, both experienced reporter-types and first voice people who want to talk about their lived experiences.

There is no money for people on social assistance in yesterday’s Liberal budget. That kind of a mean spirited attitude doesn’t bode well for the secretive welfare transformation project the department has been working on since 2015.

A new poem by El Jones. TRIGGER WARNING: 80-90 percent of women in prison are victims of physical and sexual assault. Yet because they are “criminals” what happens to them at the hands of the system must be something they deserve. When we talk about injustice to rape victims in Canadian courts where are their stories?

Today at noon, while inside the Nova Scotia government convened the Legislature for a new session, the streets outside Province House filled with around a thousand angry workers, loudly demanding that the Public Services Sustainability Act (Bill 148) be revoked.

A youth who has been held in what is effectively solitary confinement for a year should be returned to the Nova Scotia Youth Facility in Waterville, Justice Anne Derrick has recommended. But the final decision is up to the Department of Justice. And it looks like it may want to continue the status quo. This will compromise the young man’s treatment and rehabilitation, and negatively affect his fragile mental health, Justice Derrick says.

It took a while, but with the hiring of criminologist Dr Scot Wortley the analysis of Halifax carding data can finally begin. I went to the Board of Police Commissioners to get the details, and for a bonus finally got to ask Chief Blais why police collected race-based stats for ten years, but in all that time never looked at them.