“Like most everybody else, at one time I never gave a thought to living with chronic pain. I knew nothing about navigating the world of WCB, of modified work duties, of never going back to the person I was before the injury.” Barbara Carter continues to share her experiences of chronic pain and all that it entails.

Announcing a new series of articles by Barbara Carter, about what it like to to live with chronic pain in Nova Scotia. “Sometimes I think we remain too silent about too many things. Often we wait for someone else to be the change we want to see.This is why I want to share some of my personal experiences with Nova Scotia Advocate readers over the next months, in the hope that it may benefit someone else, in some way.” Barbara tells me she is thinking about tackling her experiences with getting diagnosed and the role of the WCB next.

“Metro councilors play a game.  They warn if we want improved snow and ice clearing we all must pay more taxes.  Fair enough. But out of a different pocket, we are now collectively paying through our taxes for the strains on Emergency rooms and the health care system.  So we all pay one way or another,” writes Judy Haiven.