PSA: The pandemic has exacerbated issues that have been brewing in Nova Scotia for years, and the time is now to enact long-overdue policies to benefit low- and moderate-income people of all statuses. Our platform includes demands around housing including permanent rent control, inclusionary zoning, and residential tenancies reform – but we are also introducing demands around fair banking, minimum wage and labour, and raising the rates of income assistance and disability.”

sb. smith on Bill C-7: “This shameful bill, when it comes to the disabled community, it is an example of why it is increasingly necessary for financially-privileged (and especially white, financially-privileged) disabled people to confront and be forthcoming about their wealth and social status.”

In order to co-locate medical services, the Nova Scotia Health Authority is moving mental health and addictions services from three downtown Dartmouth locations to a new location in the Portland Hills subdivision. Dartmouth North MLA Susan Leblanc is worried that this will make in-person access way too difficult for residents of her riding.

Kendall Worth: Earlier in the year I had the opportunity to interview Mariana. She did not want me to use her real name because she fears that she will be applying for welfare within the next couple of years.