The Webinar will address Canada’s silence as Bolivia approaches its long-overdue October 18, 2020 elections amidst widespread persecution of human rights defenders, journalists, indigenous leaders and political leaders in Bolivia, including the targeting of Canadian citizen and former Halifax resident, Juan Tellez, current Mayor of Betanzos, Bolivia.

Press release: Jen Powley has declared her candidacy for the upcoming HRM municipal election in District 7, Halifax South Downtown. Powley is a planner, author and activist who has called District 7 her home for the last 20 years. She is a long-time advocate for accessibility, newcomers to Canada, and an ally for 2SLGBTQI+ folks.

Kathrin Winkler reflects on a virtual-nation-wide Peace Camp in August 2020 hosted by Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. “I felt and saw how the feminist path continues to mean questioning everything because everything needs to be questioned,” she writes.

The Dalhousie Muslim Students’ Association, in collaboration with the Dalhousie Arabic Society, Canadians, Arabs and Jews for a Just Peace, Independent Jewish Voices – Halifax , Human Rights Coalition and Free Palestine HFX is organizing a demonstration regarding this issue on the 22nd of August (Saturday) at the Victoria Park. We will be working on lobbying efforts to our politicians to ask them to not keep quiet while such human rights violations occur and would appreciate your help in these efforts. It is sad to see a lack of salient intervention from the international community, especially from a peacekeeping country like Canada.

“We must be extremely cautious with its endorsement of business proposals that allude to a mystical pot of gold and not be seduced by economic rhetoric. ” Ray Bates on how to revive rural Nova Scotia’s economy by attracting new residents and given current ones a reason to stay.