Within NATO countries, it is the military that is the largest institutional consumer of oil and largest emitter of greenhouse gases. And NATO countries spend billions on expensive weaponry that should be used to meet our climate change targets and help developing countries to meet theirs and adapt to climate-induced droughts, fires and flooding.

Laura Slade talks with Megan Boudreau, who has vowed not to stop until abortion seekers are no longer harassed by demonstrators at the VG in Halifax. Boudreau tells her that she was “shocked to see the anti choice protesters out so often” and wonders how “such an open, cultural, and seemingly liberal community allows these anti choice protesters to harass people like this.”

“The fact is that even speaking openly about rebelling against men, against husbands, against fathers, against bosses – can be dangerous. Maybe not a capital offence, but an offence nonetheless—with often violent repercussions,” writes Judy Haiven.

Raymond Sheppard on a long wait with his sick grandson at the IWK ER. “I had concluded we were being overlooked and left at the back of the bus because of our ethnicity.”

Michael Cross, former Professor of History at Dalhousie University, passed away in September of this year. On December 6th, a large number of colleagues and students gathered with family and friends in memorial. Historian Todd McCallum reflects on the life of his friend and mentor.

Compensation awarded to the complainants in a human rights enquiry may sound generous, but it is peanuts when you take into account the decades the three were institutionalized, away from community and their loved ones, and subjected to a regime that allows almost no space for making your own decisions.