For the last few years No One Is Illegal – Halifax/K’jipuktuk has mostly had a social media presence only. We talk with Stacey Gomez to find out how a group of migrant justice activists want to change that, and why that type of organizing for migrant justice is so crucial, especially now.

Brenda Thompson, author of the excellent “A Wholesome Horror, Poor Houses of Nova Scotia”, was sent a bit of on an oral history account of the life of an entire family forced into a Nova Scotia poor house sometime before World War II. “He said he never knew nothing about his family as he was taken away from his parents and siblings at such a young age. He thought he was all alone.”

Darryl Leroux offers this introduction to his research into claims of Indigenous identity by so called Acadian or Eastern Métis, based on very questionable ancestry. A book he’s written on the topic is in stores now, and I can’t wait to read it.

The Nook Espresso Bar and Lounge closed its Bedford location in late July of this year. It did so suddenly and without giving any kind of warning to its seven employees. When the owners incorrectly calculated their notice pay, the baristas fought back, with help from the Halifax Workers Action Centre. Lisa Cameron reports.

Tundè Balogun of the Objective News Agency on the Trudeau blackface revelations: “His latest scandal comes as no surprise for members of intelligent Black society, for we are all too familiar with anti-Black racism white supremacy. We understand that the white supremacist with a smile is just as dangerous as the one with a scowl. We understand, that racism is economic, and this latest scandal of Black/Brown face is the actions of a man with an iron grip on the institutions that choke the life out of us daily.”

Dartmouth North MLA Susan Leblanc writes to Community Services Minister Kely Regan to tell her about the confusion re payments to ESIA clients who had to throw out spoiled food after hurricane Dorian.

“People are being told different things than their neighbours, getting different and conflicting information from people they trust, and what’s worse, some people will receive financial assistance without realizing it puts them in an overpayment situation until they receive their payment for October.”