“We must be extremely cautious with its endorsement of business proposals that allude to a mystical pot of gold and not be seduced by economic rhetoric. ” Ray Bates on how to revive rural Nova Scotia’s economy by attracting new residents and given current ones a reason to stay.

Martyn Williams: Seniors rely on walking or cycling for mobility because they may no longer drive for health reasons, or because it is the only way they can enjoy much needed exercise. But the infrastructure they use is built for vehicles to move quickly and easily, not to meet the safety requirements of vulnerable road users of all ages and abilities.

Charles Reeve and Samir Gandesha: “While we hear much lately about the interlocking dangers of “cancel culture” versus “free speech,” NSCAD’s example shows that the real threat to universities is corporatization, as long-term decreases in public funding destabilize faculty and students by driving universities into the arms of donors with self-serving agendas.”

Open letter: On behalf of the members of the Jamaican Cultural Association of Nova Scotia (JCANS), we wish to express our displeasure and outrage at the unfair arrest and treatment of KAYLA BORDEN by the Halifax Regional Police. She is a valued member of our Association. This was a blatant case of Anti-Black Racism manifested so egregiously in characteristic Racial Profiling in street checks by law enforcement agencies in the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM).

Current and former employees of Organic Earth Market on Quinpool Road in Halifax joined a picket line this morning to protest management’s efforts to stop the store workers from unionizing. According to the workers on the picket line these union busting efforts run the gamut from worker intimidation to the recent firing of two employees supportive of the unionization drive.