The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour recognizes International Workers’ Day today, May 1, in solidarity with millions of workers around the world. We recognize the historic struggles of workers who have gone before us and their hard-fought gains we benefit from today.

“When this is over, we cannot listen to those right-wing voices rally against the heroes of today.,” writes Danny Cavanagh. “Our health care system needs national standards, and increased funding from the federal government. It’s time to eliminate profit from all of health care including long term care, home care, residential care and group homes. All those segments of the system must be brought under the Canada Health Act.”

Judy Haiven: It’s precisely the skills of patience, fortitude, thrift, respect, organization, and active listening which have been undervalued in our society and are now critically needed. Is it too much to think there will be a change in how women’s work is seen– and more importantly compensated?

“They are vulnerable workers and they are heroes too!.” A very good op-ed by Danny Cavanagh, president of the NS Federation of Labour on the sacrifices made by by retail and food production workers, without adequate pay and protection.