Early childhood educators are calling on the Rankin government to make their health and safety at work a top priority during the circuit breaker and school closures currently happening in Halifax, Nova Scotia. If child care centres remain open during the current circuit breaker, additional preventative measures need be taken to reduce the risk for staff and for the children.

Media release: Nova Scotia Federation of Labour President Danny Cavanagh says now is the time to see Nova Scotia implement paid sick days as our COVID cases continue to climb and a 4 week lockdown is in place. With 38 new cases today, new variants, and many schools closed, our government must ensure worker safety is front and center.

PSA: Family SOS announces the launch of their second annual Great Golf Raffle this month. This year’s grand prize will be valued at over $2,500.00 and will feature over thirty golf passes to some of Nova Scotia’s most exclusive courses as well as a $100 gift card to Kandy Golf (Dartmouth), a $40 gift card to Golf Central (Bayers Lake) and “buckets of balls” at Fairview Hills Golf Centre and Driving Range.