PSA: Economically, during the pandemic, women lost their jobs faster than men, thus triggering a recession to the female (′′ she-transfer ′′). In fact, women often work in schools, daycares, hotels, restaurants and retail stores, the areas hardest hit by COVID-19. closures. Without access to affordable childcare programs, women are having trouble getting back to work.

PSA: The pandemic has exacerbated issues that have been brewing in Nova Scotia for years, and the time is now to enact long-overdue policies to benefit low- and moderate-income people of all statuses. Our platform includes demands around housing including permanent rent control, inclusionary zoning, and residential tenancies reform – but we are also introducing demands around fair banking, minimum wage and labour, and raising the rates of income assistance and disability.”

Press release issued by Wellness Within: “Bill 22, which will allow for the removal of mandatory minimum sentences for some offences and the partial decriminalization of substance use, is simply inadequate, and will not meaningfully address the overpolicing and overincarceration of people who use drugs nor prevent overdose deaths. We join with other advocates in demanding the full abolition of mandatory sentences, decriminalization of all drugs, and respect for the autonomy of people who use drugs. “