Media release: Even as the P.A.D.S. Community Network is sending people to fill the small number of available hotel spaces, more people are joining the temporary sheltering place, dubbed “People’s Park. Volunteers and those housed at People’s Park blame the lack of clarity from the city about where people are allowed to temporarily house themselves safely, when no legal sheltering spaces are even available.

News release: The Offshore Alliance, a consortium of 18 fisheries and environmental groups concerned about the wellbeing of our fishery and tourism industries in the face of offshore oil and gas development off Nova Scotia, asked leading political parties contending for the eleven Nova Scotia seats in the federal election campaign three questions about their commitment to protect the offshore. The questions focus on extending the moratorium on oil and gas activities on Georges Bank, ending oil and gas subsidies and supports, and ending all offshore Nova Scotia oil and gas activities by the end of 2022.

PSA: The amazing Dartmouth North Public Library is trying to host FREE KIDS HAIRCUTS for Back-to-School so kids in the neighbourhood can look good and feel good heading back to class, regardless of their income. The funding they were expecting has not materialized and now we need to raise $1,000 by Friday or else it will be cancelled.