News release by the Offshore Alliance: “Instead of holding public hearings, which should be required before industry projects are given the go-ahead, the CNSOPB through its PR staff suggested on short notice a facilitated 45 minute “sharing circle” for all 8-12 invited “stakeholder groups.”

News release: “On Monday, March 5th, from 2pm-6pm, Nova Scotians will gather at the Provincial Legislature to once again try to make their voices heard. Women’s March Canada and Equal Voice Nova Scotia are partnering with educators, parents, and administrators to ask the Government of Nova Scotia to pause Bill 72 and take time to consult before implementing changes to the education system.” 

The Nova Scotia College of Social Workers in this news release adds its voice to those opposed to the Glaze Report recommendations.
“Our province consistently fails to truly understand the structural issues that impact child and youth welfare. Nova Scotian children and youth education is profoundly impacted by stressors including income and food insecurity, colonial and racial biases, and our failure to understand trauma.”

Media advisory: With oil and gas exploration approved off the coast of Nova Scotia for this spring, the Council of Canadians is organizing a hard-hitting coastal speaking tour providing evidence of the serious risks offshore drilling presents to sustainable fisheries, tourism, clean water and our climate.