Migrant Rights Network is releasing a report comprising testimonies, surveys, photographs and demands for change in housing from 453 migrant farmworkers across Canada. The report also puts forward migrant worker demands for basic human rights that must be at the core of any national housing standards, and yet are shockingly absent from the government’s proposals: privacy, space, quality of life, family unity and worker control.

Media release: In Lunenburg County, Mexican migrant workers play an important role in planting and cultivating Christmas trees that are exported throughout the province, country and globally. In this virtual event, we will hear the story of one such migrant worker, Felix Muñoz, and his longstanding friendship with pastor Samuel Jess. They will share insights on how Nova Scotians can build bridges with migrant workers, despite the language barriers that sometimes exist.

Media release: A continued lockdown for LTC residents while everyone else can enjoy increasing freedoms is not only inhumane, but also against their human rights. Preventing Elders from having visits is a form of elder abuse.

Letter: FUNSCAD, the faculty and technicians’ union at NSCAD, is calling on the Nova Scotia government to create a public inquiry, or similar measure, to require the full release of information and communications related to the firing of president Mac Namara, including matters related to real estate leading up to, during, and after, her tenure.

Media release: The Faculty Union of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (FUNSCAD) are very concerned by the information revealed in the Globe and Mail ( June 7, 2021) on the ongoing lack of transparency over the firing of the previous president and the Board of Governors’ plans for the school’s future.