Writing your will, it’s a grim topic, but you really have to do it, says DeRico Symonds, no matter whether you are rich or poor. Stephen Wentzell attended a workshop organized by Gamechangers902 in collaboration with lawyers at McInnes Coopers. That same legal firm offers a program to provide pro-bono legal services related to wills and estate planning.

Art Fisher is the executive director of the non-profit Family Service Association of Western Nova Scotia. On Tuesday he appeared in front of a virtual Standing Committee of Community Services to speak about affordable housing and COVID-19. He made some excellent points, which is why we are publishing a transcript of his introductory remarks.

Media release: This report shows a complete disconnect from the reality that tenants in this province are facing. Rather than provide material protections for tenants or invest in building public housing, the commission has chosen to recommend cutting red tape and giving tax breaks to developers, vague promises to improve public housing, and discontinuing rent control past the state of emergency.