Both Saltwire and Postmedia might not be in such dire straits if their management had not already made so many terrible strategic and financial decisions, including reducing the numbers of journalists they employ. But they receive generous federal funding, while small outfits like Briarpatch are not getting a penny, writes Dr. Fiona McQuarrie, author and Professor in the School of Business at the University of the Fraser Valley.

Robyn Bourgeois: “Addressing mass murder means taking a hard look at white masculinity and the normalization of violence. It requires that we refuse to dismiss mass murderers as mentally defective or a few “bad apples.” Instead, we must understand that the entire system of white masculinity is rotten. Because until we do, aggrieved white men will continue to commit mass murder and we will all continue to pay the price.”

“I want to remind people that we are in this together, we are all impacted. If Canada is your front yard, then Africa is your backyard.” I spoke with Sudan expatriate Huwaida Medani about her worries that once the virus takes hold in Sudan, there will be very little to slow it down. All this just when things started to look up as the country got rid of dictator Omar al-Bashir.

Press release: Medical professionals, human rights organizers, and supporters from coast to coast came together virtually to denounce the catastrophic legal, medical, and moral consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on incarcerated migrants. The press conference took place as migrants at the Laval Immigration Detention Centre entered their fifth day of an indefinite hunger strike.