Within NATO countries, it is the military that is the largest institutional consumer of oil and largest emitter of greenhouse gases. And NATO countries spend billions on expensive weaponry that should be used to meet our climate change targets and help developing countries to meet theirs and adapt to climate-induced droughts, fires and flooding.

Michael Cross, former Professor of History at Dalhousie University, passed away in September of this year. On December 6th, a large number of colleagues and students gathered with family and friends in memorial. Historian Todd McCallum reflects on the life of his friend and mentor.

Judy Haiven takes a Lawtons district manager to task for making stores play Christmas music for six full weeks.

Warmest greetings from Halifax to all those protesting against NATO and the Halifax International Security Forum in Toronto and Windsor, Ontario. We salute all those across the land from coast to coast who are engaged in discussing this dangerous event and what to do. The cause of peace, one of the highest ideals of humanity, is a noble endeavour.

The U.S.-based Halifax International Security Forum (HISF), known to the anti-war movement as the Halifax War Conference, returns to Halifax for the 11th year in a row from November 22 to 24. Every year, this event brings warmongers and war criminals, and their handmaidens, to plan further aggression against the peoples of the world. This is unacceptable. Join in actions to get Canada out of NATO, Make Canada a Zone for Peace and reaffirm that Halifax is “No Harbour For War”!

Twelve groups and organizations throughout Canada including No One Is Illegal – Halifax/K’jipuktuk (NOII-Hfx) have issued an open letter in solidarity with an undocumented family in Waterloo, Ontario facing deportation to Guatemala. Ahead of tomorrow’s expected post-election cabinet shuffle, they call on the Trudeau government to let the family stay in Canada.