The Canadian Peace Congress and Halifax Peace Council are pleased to welcome Ajamu Baraka to K’jipuktuk (Halifax)! He will be speaking on the topic of “Defeating the US / EU / NATO Axis of Domination: A Global De-Colonial Imperative” at the Halifax North Memorial Library, 2285 Gottingen St, between 1-5 PM.

Judy Haiven spends a say in court, attendiing the case of two police constables accused with negligence in the death of Corey Rogers, a 41 year old man whose crime had been drunkenness in a public place.

From October 26-30th, Gloria Reyes of the Rabinal Legal Clinic will speak throughout the Maritimes about the case of 36 Maya-Achi women seeking justice for sexual violence committed at the height of Guatemala’s 36 year internal armed conflict. The speaking tour, organized by the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network (BTS), will have events in Tatamagouche, Moncton, Fredericton, Charlottetown, Antigonish and Halifax.

On Tuesday, October 15th, in lead up to Monday’s federal elections, Justin Trudeau spoke at Halifax’s Brewery Market. He was joined by Halifax MP Andy Fillmore. That evening, No One Is Illegal-Halifax/K’jipuktuk (NOII-Hfx) member Stacey Gomez was barred from participating in the event by the Liberal party. NOII-Hfx stands with Ms. Gomez and denounces this undemocratic move by the Liberals.