We talked with El Jones to better understand what is driving the protest inside the Burnside jail, and how people on the outside can support the prisoners. “The prisoners are not saying anything that is in the least contentious. The demands are all very basic, we have known of these issues for a very long time.”

NS Federation of Labour president Danny Cavanagh, on the terrible injustice done to loyal Sears workers when the company folded. They’re not the first to lose pensions and benefits, writes Danny, but maybe we can make sure they’re the last. “Workers fulfil their obligations at their jobs and expect the company they worked for to do the same. That doesn’t seem like a lot to ask. It is really about fairness for workers.”

Letter of concern by Guysborough resident (and frequent NS Advocate contributor) Alexander Bridge, re this year’s glyphosate spraying program, in Guysborough County and elsewhere, announced earlier this summer. “As a resident of Boylston, Nova Scotia, allow me to share my concerns and extreme disappointment with our provincial government’s weak forestry regulations.”

Lawson Roy’s Pinion on Syn-thetic Polymers, a poem by Nova Scotia poet Cory Lavender, is the third of eight poems we will publish during the remainder of the year, selected as a result of the call for poems we issued in May. The poem is in the voice of Lawson Roy, his lobster-fishing grandfather from Port Mouton.  

Rana Zaman, on the lessons we must draw from latest sexual abuse cases within the Catholic Church. “My response – blame the predators, the higher ups and the institutions that protect these despicable abusers, but don’t blame the religion. The religion is not to blame for the vile acts of some of its practitioners.”

Judy Haiven spoke at today’s rally in support of the striking Community Justice Society workers. “The average pay of probation officers is $66,000 a year, while all RJ workers still earn only just over $37,000 a year. How can the McNeil government justify a 56% pay gap for similarly qualified professional workers?”