Amy Graves of the Get Prescription Drugs off the Street Society takes issue with the Province’s announcement that naloxone will not be available at no cost from pharmacies September 1st after all. “After almost 7 years of advocating for action on the opioid crisis positive changes have occurred, but far too slow and far too few. The clock keeps ticking and we need more action not more planning.
As policymakers talk Nova Scotians continue to die.”

Wishing happy birthday to, and a little bit about paywall alternatives. Walls aren’t nice, and neither are paywalls.

The City of Halifax is not following up on a recommendation around criminal record checks that would remove obstacles to hiring Black and Indigenous workers in its Municipal Operations Programs (MOPS) division. The policy hasn’t really changed, and the City’s employment website is as uninviting to people with even a trivial criminal record as it has always been..

Danny Cavanagh, the president of the NS Federation of Labour, offers a short and powerful statement against fascist violence, white supremacy, racism, Islamophobia, and anti-Semitism. “Sisters and brothers, we cannot stay silent in the face of such hatred and we know that the future of our society and children are at stake if we don’t intensify our fight against discrimination, hatred and violence.”

The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls has encountered lots of obstacles, some of them self-inflicted. Here Delilah Saunders, sister of Loretta, explains why she continues to support the initiative. “My family and I will be in Halifax this coming October to testify and if it is delayed, then we’ll have to wait. I welcome delays and hiccups in the process if it means the Inquiry is done right and honours the Indigenous women, girls, two-spirit and transgender loved ones we’ve lost.”

A message from behind bars, in recognition of Prisoners’ Justice Day, the day many prisoners refuse work and food to honor the memory of inmates who died while in custody and in protest to inhumane practices such as solitary confinement.

“Keep in mind Canada is a leading country on the world stage but incarcerates some of the most people, and its justice system is a revolving door for those coming from marginalized communities and impoverished environments which leaves some of us forgotten, swept under the rug, and overlooked in life located in the so-called correctional facilities in this land of the free.”