o celebrate African Heritage Month, the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour Anti-Racism/Human Rights Committee is focusing on African Nova Scotian activists who are making a difference and who share their work-related and personal experiences with us. Melissa Marsman interviews Charlene “Missy” Chasse, a proud member of the PSAC – UNE Local 80018 where she holds the elected position of Human Rights Officer.

Toni MacAfee: “As this pandemic drags on, our use of Canada Post continues to rise to meet the needs of folks who no longer go out and purchase items in stores. Sadly, what also continues to rise is the violence and harassment directed at postal workers.”

PSA: Support the Bryony House workers who want to maintain their seats on the Board of Directors. For this to work, we need tangible solidarity action from labour unions, community groups, businesses, individuals and beyond. We are on a very tight timeline.

News release: Members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada employed by Bryony House, which is a 24-bed shelter in Halifax, is on the verge of going on strike or being locked out by management as labour tensions continue to escalate.