The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour along with the Canadian Labour Congress and other provincial and territorial federations of labour have joined forces to push back against Uber and it’s self‑serving proposal for Flexible Work+ dangerous, undermining and offensive to the rights and dignity of workers.

(As the NS Advocate reported yesterday) Press release: The Minister of Lands and Forestry, Chuck Porter, has agreed to meet with hunger striker Jacob Fillmore. Deputy Minister Paul LaFleche gave Jacob Fillmore and Janet McLeod the news yesterday in the lobby of the DLF just as, a block away, the Stop Clearcutting Our Future rally in support of Jacob was getting underway in front of Province House.

News release: Thirteen community organizations call on government to ban illegal practice on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. After countless reviews, reports and public meetings, the Nova Scotia government finally directed police to end the practice in October of 2019. But there was a glaring exception to the directive: police were still permitted to conduct street checks if they judged that an individual was involved in “suspicious activity.”

Media release: As Jacob Fillmore enters his 9th day of hunger strike on the steps of
Province House, people are rallying to support his demand of an
immediate temporary moratorium on clearcutting on crown lands in Nova
Scotia. This moratorium would stop the destruction of critical habitat
until reforms intended to protect these areas could be fully

Catherine Frazee: “There is never a good day to pass a bill this dangerous to disabled people, but doing so today is cruel. We have been fighting this bill non-stop for months. And now, instead of a chance to catch our breath and remember a document that says our lives and rights are important and should be supported and respected, the Canadian government is determined to communicate they aren’t and won’t be.”

The day before the Nova Scotia legislature reconvenes, Haligonian Jacob Fillmore begins his hunger strike demanding urgent action to protect the critically endangered Mainland Moose. Fillmore explained the need for a temporary moratorium on clear cutting on crown land and his intentions to refuse food until this demand is met in a letter delivered to Premier Ian Rankin last Wednesday.